Thursday, June 27, 2002

Doing: Typing this shit while scanning the other? lol..
Music: Savage Garden - I Knew I Love You
Mood: I'm a happy guy~

must be wondering how come its Savage Garden everyday? told you i'm listening to the same CD everyday.. no choice, i'm not a person who will waste money buying albums, save money..

hmm., seems like it goner pour anything.. ominous clouds drifting by, the whole damn sky is dark.. kinda eerie.. looks at though the end of the world is coming.. lol.. wind's strong, rain's heavy.. guess it goner be a storm.. way cool~

why i'm a happy guy? haha, goner go catch 'The Eye' tomorrow. hope it will scare the highlights out of me. i really love ghost shows you know, the only problem is me having a certain phobia thinking about them.. eerie stuff.. imgaine my image smiling to me while i'm combing my hair in a mirror.. *hair standing* or maybe a face suddenly shows on this comp while i'm typing this piece of shit.. *shivers...* eww, i'll STOP that.. can't stand the eerieness..

so who i goner watch tomorrow with? hmm, i can say she's someone special.. although's she libra and i'm cancer, amazingly we got together very well, literally talk about everything. we enjoyed each other company, even had many things in common most of the time.. we can go on feeling and talking about the same thing, which is something i don't think many can do.. so, i guess it goner be very enjoyable tomorrow~ =]

hmm, got to rush, last day of work.. must be responsible mah? anyway, my boss open one eye close one eye too, he let me off when i didn't come for work on Friday.. great guy huh? love him~ he's the best boss lol.. kk, me stop 'por'..

finish up later~

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Doing: Lazing around..
Music Savage Garden - Chained to You
Mood: Confused..

No breakfast today..
mei wei kou... don't really feel like eating anything even though my tummy's calling out all the time... seems like this holiday has been a really tiring and torturing period of time.. really having so many things happening to me... sometimes i really feel like heck care everything and everyone... sianz...

should i accept should i not... this qns i have been asking myself the whole night... been rather troubled... of the whole holiday why did she ask me only by now? she's cute, interesting.. but do i really like her? i think i do, cause i always yearn to chat with her or going out.. but it seems like i have many others things to look upon? seriously, i admit she's not the only gal i'm interested in... yaya, call me a flirt... but i'm those kind who will really like someone whenever i saw one... jian yi ge ai ji ge... of cause that's only when i'm not attached... when i'm attached i'm very serious... but, now, seems like i have to make the decision of either giving her up or giving the others up... i don't wish to overlook anyone...

i really had no idea whether she's the one for me yet... yes, we can really be very happy together... but somehow i just can't seem to let it go... does this mean i don't like her well enough? no matter what my decision may be someone will surely get affected greatly... imagine if i say yes to her, that's makes me attached... and i guess i might lose many people... i really don't wish to... sigh...

i really hope GOD can give me more time... and give me an answer too...
let me know what i should do and what i shouldn't...
or may HE arrange things to happen that will let me know what the answer goner be...


Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Doing: Resting my bum..
Music: Savage Garden - The Best Thing
Mood: Feeling sick..

just had lunch.. wan tan mee.. damn.. feeling so sick now.. physically and metally suffering.. physically as i'm having a really bad cough now.. can feel my throat's burning.. that little thing inside the mouth near the throat is hurting me very badly.. can taste blood when i cough sometimes.. am i dying? sigh.. don't really wish to die so soon.. i'm not even a grandpa yet.. =P

mentally.. because these few days and nights, i keep thinking about her.. wondering how is she and what she's doing.. can't seem to get her off my mind.. urgh.. and its affecting me big time.. sleepless nights.. can't work well.. headaches.. very very exhausted.. sigh.. how i wish i can go swimming now.. relax in the deep cold pool, enjoying and cooling myself while looking at pretty ladies around.. =]

damn.. i'm feeling so bad now.. feel like vomiting too.. although i'm damn hungry, it seems i have not much appetite(did i spell it right?) either.. my whole stomach feel as though its upside down.. its like the calmness before a huge storm.. maybe this time i really will get an MC.. lol.. who knows.. might get a cert too.. death cert.. haha..

guess the lack of sleep is really paying a great toll on my health.. can't afford to be sleepless tonight.. must go get some blue pills.. urgh..

goner wash my face..
have to take things easy i guess..
Doing: Scaning...
Music: Savage Garden - Hold Me
Mood: LaLaLaa~

Ohaiyo~ *bOws*
hmm, just had my breakfast, 'chao mien' with sweet sauce and luncheon meat. now feeling quite full le.. feel like sleeping.. haha, chi bao le shui =P

wondering why me so happy? hee.. lalala.. don't tell you guys lor, happy finding out from me yourself if you want lor..

dunno why, suddenly want to start saving money le.. keke, must start to save mah, if not in the future how to marry gf? cannot buy house too, no cars.. cannot 'yang' laopo.. cannot do alot alot other things lor.. so, mut save money le.. me now saved about 100 bucks within these few days le.. so, must deposit in bank soon~ might be opening a new account very soon le~ *winKz*

wu yuan wu gu also, suddenly thought of how many kids i wish to have in the future.. nowadays in Singapore, it aren't really advisable to have more than 2 kids as the living standards are always rising.. so, i really wish to have a daughter and a son, thats enough le.. =P
'long feng tai', who don't wish wor? hmm.. i even thought of their names le.. if daughter, either named Yang LingAi or Yang YingXuan.. if son.. hmm.. actually haven't think of any yet.. haha.. abit biased? =P

kk lah, today cannot talk rubbish, cause happy.
crap later~

Monday, June 24, 2002

Doing: Surfing
Music: Tokyo Love Story Main Theme
Mood: Kinky? =P

just reach office. must be wondering how come so late? went to see a doc early morning, tummy ache.. but that damn doc didn't give me MC again, so no choice, since i'm feeling better might as well come back to work. boss also open one eye close one eye.. so come back work lor, considered working one whole day. no pay reduction wor~

i'm feeling rather kinky lately, so you gals better don't come near me nowadays. if not i might eat you up!! =D~

kk, not feeling good enough to type stuff here..
wish me well? =P

Sunday, June 23, 2002

Doing: Scanning.. as usual.. =|
Music: ELT - Fragile
Mood: Moodless...

had milo and stuff.. eww.. really feel like vomiting.. no idea why, this is not the first day i'm feeling this way.. has been going on for days.. pregnant? me? lol.. i'm sure i'll hit the headlines then.. lol..

saw my mood? moodless.. wondering why? have been thinking too much lately.. especially after a certain incident that happened on sat, making me feel worse only.. felt that i've done wrong.. but i guess that's the only way to solve the problem.. i guess..

those who knows me well will know i'm a person who will easily get into a relationship.. but always the slowest to get out.. some says i'm always too serious about relationships.. well, if you don't, why get into one? lol.. well, i always ended up being the one hurt and sad.. i don't usually asking for a break up unless i think its really neccessary.. and maybe thats one of the reasons why.. well, better than me hurting someone else.. guess i rather be hurt..

hmm, do you always have dreams? i love dreaming.. especially when i always has this same dream.. you know, since as young as around primary school, i keep having this same nice dream.. sometimes its weekly, sometimes it monthly.. and after the dream, i always end up in tears.. feeling happy and sad at the same time.. well, you'll know why if you read on what my dream is all about..

i get to know this gal.. she became my closest friend, best buddy, beloved gf, loving wife.. she's nice, she's caring, a really friendly and open person.. some gal any guys would wanna know.. long hair, not really tall, slim waist, always having this sweet sweet smile.. even her smell, so nice and fragrant, so striking.. and this is the spooky part.. the dream seems so real.. literally filled with feelings as i can really feel them, every touch, ever feel.. all seems so real.. you don't usually get a dream that you always know what you are doing do you? its just so uncanny..

well, the story is about how i get to know her.. i get really close to her, despite of her many many other friends.. really enjoyed the times with her.. we always get out, shopping, eating, catching movies, even to beaches enjoying a whole day there.. there will be this day when we finally get together.. that day being the happiest in my whole life.. so heart warming.. just feeling so fortunate to know her.. =D

you think the story ends here? fat hope~ lol.. the story goes on as i get to know more and more about her family.. she comes from a rich family.. this is strange, especially when i had a certain grudge against rich ppl.. lol.. but this is how the dream goes.. we got married and lived happily together.. her parents even sent us a ferrari as present to drive their precious daughter around.. after NS i went helping her dad out with his buisness, starting from quite a small position.. as time goes by, we have 2 children, guy and gal.. in the end i took over her dad's buisness empire, and merged with her mom's, forming a enterprise reknown throughout the whole world.. then i dream her parents and mine passed away.. and she too, peacefully.. leaving me and two sad kids behind.. i always wake up at this point, having a tear in my eye.. feeling sad.. but happy enough to know her in such an absurb dream.. =]

hmmp... laugh all you want... it might be just BULLSHIT to you all, but this is so damn true and real for me.. to have this same dream with the same details weekly or monthly isn't some laughing matter.. i told my mom about this and she says it might be heaven's will.. lol.. superstitions? asked a few buddies and they comfort me maybe this might come true.. i really hope this dream will come true.. my dreams normally come true.. i always dream about things that will happen, unknowningly until the moment it happened.. so i really wish this unique dream of mine will come true...

well, who knows i might have already know this gal? in the past i first thought Shiri's the gal.. but to think of it, Shiri is a japanese.. and we seldom contact, only through emails as she is always flying around.. (hey Shiri, if you're looking here, com'on! its been 2weeks since i last received your email! duh.. forgetting me eh?) hmm, she might be in HongKong now? maybe, she's always flying around with either her dad or mom.. so i guess she's not.. maybe just someone else? lol.. who knows... i'll definately wait.. i definately will.. =)

hmm, kk, enough of dreams.. i'm getting tired.. actually i did finish typing all these long ago.. but accidently erased all.. there's no Ctrl-Z here! urgh.. sickening.. made me type all over again.. anyway, goner work, lotsa work to be done..
hmm, school's restarting today, saw many kids with uniforms today. hmm, kinda missed my school life, scanning everyday isn't just the kind of life for me.. suckz.. saw the weather, goner rain soon.. damn.. hope it doesn't get too cold here.. brrrr...

well, another week started. the whole of last week didn't go as i planned.. supposed to have cut and dye my hair, but i didn't. didn't really realise its my birthday till quite late, so many things changed.. i'm still stuck with me sickening long hair now, which i believe i will get rid of it really really soon.. getting ugly! urgh..

i guess there will be lotsa tests for the jc people? hmm, all were complaining about not much time left for studying during their hols.. well, good luck guys? especially to Jialin, Serene and Jacklyn.. wish you all pass with good good grades.. then you all can treat me to a meal le.. =P

for some poly courses, some will be going to orientation camp too. well, Joanne, enjoy wor? sad, some of my classmates are helping out with the orientation camps at school now too, but i'm stuck here scanning.. suckz.. sigh.. =|

boss isn't here today, sianz.. thought of discussing whether he can let me off on sat, might be going out. anyway, got to complain about my pay, which is supposed to have been mailed to me by 14th.. now is 24th already.. wondering wtf they are holding my pay back for.. damn them.. i'm getting broke! urgh!

guess i'll be eating snake around today..
but i still got to end here, goner have breakfast.. =P