Saturday, November 02, 2002

Doing: Slacking at home
Music: The new song Jolin rap with Jay? No idea what's the title.. =x
Mood: End of Holidays.. >.<

Hey Hey..
been months since i last posted? i guessed the last time i remembered about posting was in August. now's Jan already, time really flies.. so how's life everybody? i guess no one's will be reading this blog anyway, after the owner's sudden disappearance.. this is good news though, i can start posting stuff that people won't get to know.. haha..

yeah, other than studies and stuff, i'm fine. just abit trouble now and then.. seems like heaven's still playing after all this while? haha, i've grown to accept fate anyway.. well, all these while i've been troubled by love again, what else huh? seems like i'm really popular between some groups of people whom i don't really know.. and i had no idea how they got my no. in the first place? prank calls and stuff.. urgh.. really feel like cancelling my hp plan..let no one contact me.. =x

anyway, i was saying my no. being given to many people. dunno how these ladies somehow managed to get my no anyway.. haiz, why make life more miserable for me? i find that, although i'm not really good looking, there's still many who like my type haha =P
i should be glad? but it seems more like a trouble to me. well if your phone rings whole day, even past midnight into late morning.. sms too, you'll be freaked out how many sms i receive everyday. sometimes when i never really pay notice to my hp there'll be like 5 to 6 sms waiting.. damn, i don't even feel like reading sometimes..

Nvm, enough of my troubles already. guess i'll have to face them myself.

Seems like i can't post too long, got to end here. continue next blog =P